Thursday 1 April 2010

Waseem Ahmed - Branches

This is an image I created titled "Branches". This image is of a tree which is being reborn with the arrival of spring. Although at first impression this image is a positive one, the visual compositing and colour composition of the image suggest otherwise. I wanted to toy with the idea of juxtaposing visual meanings and perception of objects in direct opposition with each other. The image itself is a close line image and the viewpoint of the image is upwards, creating a notion of authority or stature to the tree. I aimed to once again contrast between light and dark, the brightness of the sky with the dark almost black abstract branches of the tree spanning the whole image. I used the notion of contrast further, in the bottom of the page to show bright green connoting brightness, to further enhance the dark image of the tree. I feel this image conveys how composition of an image can alter the meanings of a setting.

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