Friday 2 April 2010

Waseem Ahmed - Nature VS Human Nature

The title of this image alone is representative of what this image is about. I aimed to portray how visual imagery is able to reflect a whole notion, in this instance of how nature triumphs over human nature. I wanted the bright tree and its flowers to represent nature and the image of the bin to represent human nature of littering and how human activity is ruining the planet. I used the brown bin as this is the bin of recycling garden waste, an act which could potentially save the world from global warming. The beauty of the flower contrasted with the oblong bin evokes a sense of intrigue and in turn creates a notion that the bin doesn't belong in the image. This, when analysed connotes the notion of preserving nature by recycling. This image effectively demonstrates how visual elements when coupled can evoke an emotion in the viewer and to a certain degree question the audience themselves.

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